Thursday, September 10, 2015

Brig. Gen McKay, Lt. Gen U.S Grant, Col. James Duarte, and Major Greg Webster

The above people named from Left to Right got togther for a picture
after the ceremony and before we brole down the camp at Bauer Park.  The
event was excellent as usual which is pretty standard for any event that
 Marc Bassos  organizes. 

Gen. Lee, Brig. Gen. McKay, and the Federal Provost

This was a awarding ceremony of all those who had a part in setting up the event.

Gen. Lee, Lt. Gen. Grant and stacked Confederate arms

This was a reenactment of the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia.
 Lt. Gen. Grant  is giving a speech about the end of the war with this
Confederate Army and it's Commander.

Col. Jame Duarte in a second display room

General McKay and some models and instrumentation

I am afraid that I was caught just a tad offguard when the picture was snapped.  I look a little startled.

Display at Bauer Park

The Toppg Engneers were asked to do an extensive latoyr display of
 instrumentation, models, weapons and other material in the old farmhouse
 at Bauer Park.  This is one of the tables of this display.

U.S. Ram; "Queen of the West"

The above picture was drawn from a photograpgh of a drawing made of the
 "Queen of the West" during the Civil War

Nathan Hale Farmstead and Environs